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Women With Undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder
The medical community has recently focused attention on the phenomenon of overlooking ADD in girls. But, that means that many women today have reached adulthood with undiagnosed ADD. Underachievement, feeling overwhelmed, and relationship problems plague all women at times. But, they can also be signs of undiagnosed ADD in women. Depression and borderline personality disorder can be misdiagnoses of ADD, as well.

Abnormal Pap Smears -- Reading Your Results
Abnormal Pap smears don't always mean cancer. Learn about the classification system, what various results mean, and find out what is the most likely next step.

Nutition For Female Athletes
Women's nutritional requirements are unique. Women and girls who are athletes have even more bases to cover. Performance plateaus can be due to unmet nutritional needs. Unfortunately, those women who should be eating the best are often not. Read about the extra nutritional requirements you have and how to meet them for top performance.

What is Bacterial Vaginosis?
Bacterial Vaginosis or Gardnerella is one of the most common vaginal infections women can have. Learn how to find out if you have it, even if you have no symptoms, what it can be confused with. A step-by-step overview of the lab report of a typical BV infection is included. Treatment options are rated in terms of effectiveness, side effects, convenience, and costs

The Search For Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): Scientific Evidence is Lacking

Breast Cancer Risk
Check out the new interactive program that will estimate your inherited risk of breast cancer.

Copyright © 1999 GenneX Healthcare Technologies,Inc.

Ask Karen
Sarpolis, M.D.

Dr. Karen Sarpolis

Tips and Facts
There's no truth to the "asbestos in the tampons" rumors.
